Tutoring / Virtual Instruction / In Home Instruction / Therapy

Tutoring- We offer additional help in the following areas-

Reading- with reading comprehension, fluency, and accuracy

Math- elementary math, pre-algebra, algebra 

Written Language- spelling, capitalization, sentence structure, 

Tutoring $45/hr

Virtual Instruction– Even though we aren’t in the same room, I can provide resources and share those tools for students to access during our online time together.  

In home Instruction- A licensed teacher will come to you to provide individualized instruction in a way that meets your child’s needs. At the Bumblebee Lab-  We have a learning room outside of Rocky Mount and can meet with your child/children here to provide instruction for your individual child.  

Price-  Instruction for school year $10,000- This includes 10 hours/week, reports, conferences, and assessments given. Hourly Instruction price- $60/hr 

NILD educational therapy:  Educational therapy provides individualized instruction to address underlying learning difficulties instead of focusing on symptoms and helping there, like tutoring does.  To learn more about NILD therapy click here: https://www.nild.org/families/what-is-nild-educational-therapy/

Therapy pricing is $100/hr we meet 80mins per week.